Sunday, April 14, 2013

[Video] Earl Sweatshirt At Coachella

Earl Sweatshirt made his Coachella debut in a rather awkward fashion this weekend. While Earl's performance was good the crowd seemed lackadaisical, which is ironic considering that is the same criticism Earl often receives, but he worked through it to put on a nice performance. Mid way through Domo Genesis and Vince Staples show up for their respective tracks from Earl's upcoming album Doris. I was definitely feeling the new material, especially "Hive" which features Vince Staples who absolutely bodies his verse. Of course Tyler, The Creator came out and along with Earl performed some OF classics, this would've truly been a memorable Coachella debut if it weren't for the crowd props to Tyler for calling them out on it though. Anyway it's a enjoyable set for any OF fan and a definite must watch for the new Doris tracks.