Friday, November 2, 2012

Earl Sweatshirt - Chum

Odd Future's Earl Sweatshirt has been relatively quiet since coming home, only dropping one solo track aptly named "Home" and a few guest appearances. A lot of mysterious still surrounds the young rapper with many fans not to sure in which direction his new music will be going. What we do know is that, gone is the rapper you heard on Earl and earlier Odd Future projects. Also at the same time a lot remains the same from those days.

Earl's second released track since coming home "Chum" is the perfect example of what I was speaking on above. Earl has matured past the subjects of murder, rape and 666 to personal subjects that we've heard him speak on in the past, but more so as a child would handle it. Earl manages to keep that dark sound that his is known for and still evolve into something that he wasn't before. A mature emcee who is able to tell a story of truth and truly put his life into lyrics. I have a feeling that "Chum" is just the beginning for young Earl and that we'll get the full effect of his new found skills when he drops his project hopefully sometime this year.