Thursday, August 28, 2014

[Video] SIR E.U - Nike boy

It's hard to believe it has been over a year since the ever enigmatic SIR E.U dropped "Nike boy$$$ilovethisbitch" seems like just yesterday I came across the greatness that it is. If you follow this blog you should know how I feel about this track (if not click the damn link in the title) and if perhaps you don't keep up with Digital Drop (kill yourself) I still won't go into detail on how I feel about the song (go click the link I wasn't joking).

Anyway, about two days ago E.U held a screening for the video and preceded to release it at 10:32 the following day for all us non-DMVers. I can honestly say I never expected this track to get a video nor did I think it would be possible for a video to capture the trippy psychedelic feel of the song but director Unkle Luc does exactly that. The best way to describe it would be the terms Luc used himself "Irrational parts to create a rational whole", glitch effects and other visual editing help to capture the eerie and unsettling feel of the track. Props to Luc for doing the seemingly impossible.

I have to say this is one of the best videos I've seen this year especially indie wise. Immediately after viewing it I thought about emailing it to some "major" blogs, as this could be the thing that could help E.U get over that indie blog hump and sure enough it was. I was pleased to see Pigeons & Planes and various other blogs feature the unique visual.

I hope this is just the beginning for one of, if not the hardest working artist I know. No bullshit E.U is one of the few whose discography could rival Wayne's in terms of consistency and output. It has been a long time coming and hopefully this is just the start of him getting the wide scale recognition he deserves. I hope for and expect him to do great things in this world, so seeing the reception to the video was great not only as a fan but more importantly as a friend.

Plus I ain't forgot about my daughters lol...all jokes aside I'm proud to say the least my good friend.

All hail King Hippo...

M A D A G A S C A R releases 10/32 (November 1st, 2014)

Be sure to check out E.U's interview with the good people over at ThankYouForNotSnitching and if you haven't heard DJ J-$crilla's "Unfamiliar Shirts" ft Ras Nebyu, Uno Hype & Da Hippo do that.