Commercial Free is the latest effort by Willie Jetts a.k.a.William Jettson (to his old hoes), if you remember Jetts' was featured on D:D awhile back for his project Parachutes. One of my main gripes with Parachutes was that it was too long, with Commercial Free Willie seems to have heard me and other blogs out and decided to keep it short and sweet. Willie has definitely improved his writing ability and even his ear for production, he sounds much more natural and comfortable on CF than with Parachutes. Another aspect that has improved is his subject matter, it has become a bit more mature which is surprising coming from the same guy who made a song called Poonslayers. Willie seems to have found his sound and niche with Commercial Free, tracks such as "Freaky Friday" and "Square" prove such. Both being dark alternative joints with the latter featuring a clever flip of Common's "GO!", Willie spits verses intertwined with reality and fantasy with wordplay weaved throughout. All together an impressive project from an artist who continues to show improvement with each effort, definitely recommend that you give this tape a listen, it won't disappoint.
Stream below or click download. Also check out the video for Willie Jetts' "Freaky Friday"
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